About us


We’re really glad you’re here. On this page you will find developing and exciting games for both indoor and outdoor activities.

We are a children’s toys wholesale Group and our purpose is to enhance each and every toy stores range of selection. Our target is Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Finnish integrated toy market. We are logistically well situated office and stock in north-east Europe therefore we could be also your toy distributor.
Due to our vital and youthful educated team we have been successful and fast growing company. Choose our assortment of Toys, because we value the quality and the joy it brings to children in play and their reaction. We truly believe that we can turn children’s “work” into something much more fascinating and interesting. The children in all around the world are alike, and therefore appreciate similar things.

Life is an interesting and enchanting game!

All the toy stores who aren´t in our list – you are warmly welcomed to become our toys reseller.
If your company is producing excellent toys we are happy to become your customer.
Our team is opened to any proposals and ideas. We are flexible and interested about the negotiations and welfare of all concerned parties.

Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Ivo Nano
Phone: (+372) 5645 5528
E-mail: ivo@aasageko.eu

Our goal is to enrich the product range available in children’s stores. When choosing toys, we rely primarily on quality, play, developing aspect and children’s opinions. We sincerely believe that we can make the work of children more versatile and exciting. We are happy to work with companies dealing with children, including toy shops, kindergartens, playrooms and schools.

Meie eesmärgiks on rikastada lastekauplustes müügil olevat tootevalikut. Mänguasjade valikul lähtume eelkõige kvaliteedist, saadavast mängulustist, arendavast aspektist ja laste arvamustest. Usume siiralt, et saame muuta laste töö ehk siis mängu mitmekülgsemaks ja põnevamaks. Teeme meelsasti koostööd ettevõtetega, mis tegelevad lastega, sealhulgas mänguasjapoodide, lasteaedade, mängutubade ning koolidega.

Elu on põnev ja kaasahaarav mäng!

Kui oled huvitatud meie lastekaupadest või sul on lihtsalt mõni tore mõte või küsimus, siis võta julgelt ühendust:

Ivo Nano
hulgimüük, tootejuht
Tel: (+372) 5645 5528
E-mail: ivo@aasageko.eu

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